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Harmony Farm - Home of Kootenay Natural Meats

We are Dale and Wendy McNamar, and we have been farming together for more than two decades. Raising animals has always been our passion, and we started building Kootenay Natural Meats twelve years ago when we decided to share our love for healthy meat products with our community. We take pride in the high standard of farming we practice and the respect we have for our animals. It is our goal to offer superior quality meat products by raising our animals as naturally and consciously as possible.


We admire the ethics and values that Gerry & Patricia, the founders of Harmony Farm Lamb, embraced in raising their foundation of hair bred sheep and it is important to us that we maintain this standard of care as we welcome this exceptional flock to our farm in the Creston Valley. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce Harmony Farm as a new sector in our farming operations, and we endeavor to provide the same superior product and service that Harmony Farm clients have grown to love and expect. We welcome all inquiries and we very much look forward to meeting you and providing the same Best BC Lamb products! 

Dale and Wendy McNamar Kootenay Natural Meats Harmony Farm Lamb
Best BC Lamb Royal White Hair Bred Sheep at Harmony Farm Lamb

Enjoy a fresh BC lamb product that is healthier for you, knowing where your meat comes from and how it is raised.

Harmony Farm Lamb is located in the beautiful Creston Valley in the southern interior Kootenay region of British Columbia, Canada. We holistically manage our own acreage and our own breeding stock which consists of an Angus based herd of cows, hair bred St. Croix / Royal White sheep and Tamworth heritage pigs. Raising smaller numbers of animals ensures that personal care is given to each and every animal.


Our animals graze in lush pastures most of the year, supplemented during the winter months with homegrown alfalfa/grass hay.  


Harmony Farm Lamb and Kootenay Natural Meats are subsidiaries of Goat River Farms Ltd.  We are an integrated farm which means that grow and harvest our own hay and manage our own pastures on our own land and long term leased land as well. We use low stress management and our animals are not kept in confined spaces.  We adhere to strict herd health protocol, and have high bio security standards.


Our animals are handled with customized care, as farming and raising animals is our livelihood and not just a business. Our focus has been to raise all of our animals including our sheep, pigs and cow herd to a point where we can offer superior quality products. We are proud to be able to share with you and to contribute to strengthening the Buy Local & Buy BC initiatives.


Join the progression of people who choose to eat healthier and buy local, naturally grown, farm raised product.  Be assured that your meat has no added hormones or antibiotics, and is raised with utmost care.


Dale + Wendy McNamar

Harmony Farm Lamb  |  Creston, BC

Phone: 250.428.4034


© 2019 by Harmony Farm Lamb

Web Design : Eat Grow Flourish

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