Premium Quality BC Lamb
At our farm we raise a much loved flock of Royal White hair sheep (a cross between purebred St. Croix + purebred White Dorper) that were developed specifically for their exceptional quality, lean, delicious meat. Known for their height to weight proportionate frames, these particular hair sheep have better meat distribution which results in a naturally higher quality end product. Also, hair sheep seasonally shed their silky thick hair each Spring and use all of their nourishment, energy and rapid uniform growth to produce meat only - not wool.
Without wool, hair bred sheep do not produce lanolin, nor do they gain fat like wool sheep do. Most notably, without fat, hair bred lamb is famous for it's premium, lean, gourmet quality meat that is deliciously full flavoured, yet mild, without any gamey, tallow taste or odour when cooked.
Hair bred sheep are typically small boned, long smooth muscled, have calm maternal temperaments and in particular to our sheep, have year round 'open' fertility. This unique attribute enables breeding and lambing year round, which allows us to provide fresh lamb product all year long, rather than seasonally. At Harmony Farm Lamb we enjoy lambing individual groups of 40-60 ewes 3-4 times per year, which allows us to consistently offer our premium lamb products on a year round basis.
Our Best BC Lamb is a superior quality, lean, tender, gourmet lamb that is reflective of the customized care and calm, natural environment in which our sheep are holistically and ethically raised.

The Harmony Farm | Best BC Lamb Advantage
Premium Gourmet Quality
Superior Flavour - Mild And Delicious - With No Gamey Taste
Lean - 23% Less Fat/Bone = More Meat Value Per Carcass
Ethically & Holistically Raised, With Customized Care + Conscience
Raised Stress Free
100% BC Lamb - Bred, Raised And Processed, Start To Finish
Available Fresh/Frozen All Year Round
A Provincially Renowned Product
We are proud to work with select chefs and butcher shops across British Columbia to bring our delicious BC lamb products from our farm to your plate! Our partners include: